ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System

ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System (PIS) is launched!

What is Vehicle PIS System?

The vehicle PIS system is used in the sector of rail transit and offers platforms for audio broadcasting, visual programme playback, emergency alarms and emergency calls for both passengers and the central control centre. Additionally, it offers video surveillance, storage for monitoring, and intervention for the main control room.

ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System

The organisation and administration of passenger flow is greatly aided by the vehicle PIS system, which is a crucial component of rail transit construction.

Differences from traditional vehicle PIS

As the primary function of the itc vehicle PIS system, "Dynamic release of multimedia information" departs from the previous conventional design by incorporating a new dynamic map module that is tailored to the demands of rail transit customers and has a completely optimised line interface architecture.

ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System

To fully meet the needs of passengers for rail services, the new version of the railway map now includes information such as a station entrance map, the degree of carriage congestion, the station arrival time, and other real-time dynamics data in addition to information such as arrival prompt, transfer instructions, and other information.
Additionally, the cab console-integrated PIDS broadcast control controller can control the monitoring, media, and broadcasting subsystems in a unified and visual manner through the terminal operation interface, realising the quick retrieval of audiovisual data and enhancing communication between the driver, passengers, and the OCC (Operated Control Centre).

ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System

Through the emergency intercom button in the carriage, passengers can communicate alarm information to the driver in an emergency. The driver may access the alarm linkage screen, send crucial monitoring photos to the control centre, and connect with the OCC operators in time to support command and dispatch, responding to situations more swiftly and adaptably to protect the safety of passengers.
In addition to playing real-time message prompts like the driver broadcast, OCC broadcast, and automatic broadcast at the same time, the PA subsystem can also automatically change the broadcast volume to give passengers a more comfortable ride.
Itc vehicle PIS system has thoughtfully designed the interactive function of bullet screen applied to the subway, urban rail, light rail, high-speed rail and other carriage spaces, providing passengers with a public comment exchange platform and transforming the original closed space into an entertainment centre. This system is aimed at the social needs of modern groups.

Why itc develops vehicle PIS system?

In order to fulfil the demands of an effective operation and security, the vehicle PIS system may capture the passenger data in real-time and report back the image information to the subway operation centre and subway public security. It is the supporting technology for the operation centre for the subway's modern management.
Itc should take on more social responsibility as the industry leader in audiovisual and lighting. Itc concentrates all of its resources to support the technology, initiatives, and talent of smart rail transit, bringing vitality to the rail transit sector in response to the issues that the three subsystems of the traditional vehicle PIS system pose since they are separate and difficult to collaborate with one another.

ITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information SystemITC Rail Transit Vehicle Passenger Information System

Numerous industries now have more intelligent systems and comprehensive solutions thanks to the IT Center's millions of classic instances generated after twenty-nine years of arduous work and advancement. Itc will continue to offer rail services in the future that change with the times.

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